Flowers in the Attic, set to premiere on LIFETIME January 18th. This book OPENED my eyes to all things when I was a young gir...
Discussion Rooms are getting filled with book lovers :) And now we’re giving you extra option to make your discussion posts u...
I don't take proclamations lightly but this is possibly the worst NA book I've finished reading… so far (because my faith in ...
Dear BookLikes, Thank you for being everything I want in a bookish social website. You not only have an amazing interface, ...
Books to the ceiling, Books to the sky, My pile of books is a mile high. How I love them! How I need them! I'll have a long b...
I finished Find Me only a few moments ago, and I'm still breathless. I'll be the first to admit that this book didn't hook me...
I am of the opinion that any book that makes you think is a good book. Well half of a good book because if it makes you think...