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Kara the Book'aholic

I'm a mother, lifelong-student, avid reader, and reviewer. I'll give pretty much anything a shot, but my guilty pleasure is romance, especially if it's dark and full of suspense.

The Princess and the Porn Star

The Princess and the Porn Star - Lauren Gallagher

Surprisingly enough, this was a sweet love story that wasn’t filled with any unnecessary drama or angst. It’s essentially the story of the pop princess, Olivia Taylor—aka Rachel—and the porn star, Buck Harder—aka Lee—who fell in love and the subsequent ramifications.


The characters were extremely likable. There wasn’t any insta-love and the two seemed to handle everything very rationally, which was refreshing and truly made you hope they’d get their HEA. And yes, the chemistry was HOT, HOT, HOT! Quinn, Rachel’s tremendously supportive yet hilarious assistant, had me laughing on numerous occasions. There really wasn’t any wow factor, but the writing was strong and the storyline was sweet and simply a pleasure to read.