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Kara the Book'aholic

I'm a mother, lifelong-student, avid reader, and reviewer. I'll give pretty much anything a shot, but my guilty pleasure is romance, especially if it's dark and full of suspense.

Chase (Resisting Love, #1) - Chantal Fernando,  Dawn Martens

I really enjoyed this book. Chase is a character driven romance with great dialogue, an alpha H, a likable h, and wonderful secondary characters. No exaggerated plot devices were used because they really weren’t needed. That’s how well developed these characters were.


To start, our heroine Layla Crawford was essentially fleeing her family home in order to gain some independence and much needed distance from her overbearing mother. Just a week before classes were to begin, she found herself desperately searching for a place to live. Down to the last ad in the paper, she was stressed, to say the least, until she pulled up in front of a gorgeous house that was surprisingly tidy, despite the fact that her three would-be roommates were all males. Considering it was her last option and she was completely disarmed by the charming James, Layla immediately moved in. She soon found out that not only were her three roommates extremely hot, but also brothers.


Layla was sweet, smart, witty, beautiful, independent, and rolled with the punches - taking life as it came. Yet, she never gave up on her dreams. She was, to put it simply, genuine.


Our hero, Chase Jackson was a sexy as all hell, womanizing alpha who had a dubious past that was filled with one-night stands and open relationships. To be blunt, he was the player that put all other players to shame. But, Layla was the one woman who could change Chase’s ways. She was THE WOMAN.


Kade and James Steele. There’s just so much, I could say about these two… I absolutely loved them!


James was a complete mystery and I really hope he gets his own book. Perhaps with Sasha? A girl can hope! I’m dying to know where he disappears to and what ’shit’ needed to be done that was consistently hidden from Layla. What exactly did he do for work anyway? Hmmm…


Kade. I can’t wait for his book! He’s the epitome of sweet, protective, and hot! Oh yes, and we can’t forget that he’s well...endowed! Nikki is one lucky lady! The banter between Layla and Kade was hilarious. Yet, there were some really sweet moments as well. He was extremely protective and immediately took Layla under his wing and looked after her, as if she were his little sister.


There were so many other great characters, most notably the feisty Nikki and the fiercely overprotective Ryder. Both were great and I can’t wait to see more of them throughout the series.


Okay, so here’s where I talk about the issues I had with this book. I’m not sure what happened to be honest. Maybe it was written quickly? I don’t know. But there were numerous inconsistencies and please don’t get me started on the typos. The thing is, I don’t normally mention this type of thing, but I thought it was necessary in the case of this book. That’s how abundant they were.


Overall, I found the inconsistencies and typos distracting, but I muddled through because I truly loved these characters! I can’t wait for Kade and the rest of the series, so I can see what happens to these lovable characters.