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Kara the Book'aholic

I'm a mother, lifelong-student, avid reader, and reviewer. I'll give pretty much anything a shot, but my guilty pleasure is romance, especially if it's dark and full of suspense.

Abduction - Varian Krylov Seriously? That just dragged on and on... So disappointed.
A Happy Accident - Evan Tyler

A Happy Accident, by Evan Taylor evoked so many emotions in me. I wanted to hate it, but I simply couldn’t. It was a beautiful yet, tragic story of true love, friendship, sacrifice, self-discovery, loss—you name it, it is in this book yanking at your heartstrings.


It was 1979 and The Dare an American rock band moved to Manchester, England looking to make it big. While playing at Rory’s - a bar where the beautiful and feisty Kindle Hyrum waitressed, the front man—Bobby Carter—decided to listen to his instincts and after some relentless pestering (on his part) was married to the cheeky Kindle within a couple of days. Despite their haste, the chemistry and subsequent love between the two was great and built slowly making their relationship believable and truly a pleasure to read. Unfortunately, complications began to arise—temptations, commitments, first loves, relentless blondes—all testing the young couples true, enduring love.


“I just think that sometimes what you’re willing to give up gives weight and substance to your love. Sacrifice weighs more than kind words.”


I don’t want to give too much away because this is seriously an absolute must read. Regardless, no words can justly convey what Evan Tyler has created... I cannot wait for A Blind Choice, the second installment of this trilogy.


Btw, this is an absolute freaking steal for just $0.99 on Amazon!


*I was provided a free copy of this book by the author in exchange for an honest review.*

The Tied Man (The Tied Man, #1) - Tabitha McGowan

Holy Hell! Okay, I need to start by saying, The Tied Man is not for everyone. Don’t get me wrong, it is a beautiful and powerful read, but it contains extremely dark material. Think along the lines of The Dark Duet, but in my opinion this is even darker and much more disturbing. With all of that said, this is an absolute superb read. What struck me was how realistically the author addressed many issues—the sex industry, social class systems, mental illness, suicide, drug abuse, prejudice, as well as physical and mental abuse and MUCH, MUCH MORE. However, through all the darkness, the author was able to integrate true, bona fide friendships and love within this seriously twisted story. These bonds became the driving force to keep our main characters going. Yet, they equally bound them to this horrible life. Confusing? That’s because I’m afraid to give anything away!


If you can handle vivid descriptions of “drug abuse, violence and non-consensual sexual activity,” this is an incredible read, but I cannot stress this enough, THIS BOOK IS NOT FOR EVERYONE.

Beneath This Man (This Man, #2)

Beneath This Man (This Man, #2) - Jodi Ellen Malpas

"'Who has the power, Ava?'

I roll my eyes. 'You do.'

'You're wrong.'

'I am?' I blurt.

...'You are.' He smiles, and I frown.

'You're the one with the power, baby.'

'But you always insist it's you who holds the power.'

He shrugs. 'I like you stroking my ego.'

I start laughing. 'Are you joking?'

'No.' ...'I hold the power over your body, Ava. When those beautiful eyes are full of lust for me, that's when I hold the power.'

...'That's why you fuck me senseless, give me the countdown and demand I kiss you when I'm mad.'

He smiles. 'Watch your mouth.'"

Back to You

Back to You - Priscilla Glenn

“Ivy is symbolic of strong, lasting relationships

that are guaranteed to stand the test of time.”


I could not put this down. Seriously, I kept promising myself just one more chapter and before I knew it, it was 4am and I was still clutching my Kindle with watery eyes and a stupid grin plastered on my face.


Back to You, is a beautiful story of friendship, second chances, and true, unyielding love. An absolute must read.

Hopeless (Hopeless, #1)

Hopeless - Colleen Hoover

“The things that knock you down in life

are tests, forcing you to make a choice

between giving in and remaining on

the ground or wiping the dirt off and

standing up even taller than you did

before you were knocked down.”



What a freaking amazing read! Seriously, I think I just rode what was perhaps the most beautiful, yet wretched emotional roller-coaster of my life. Hopeless, is a profound story of love, friendship, vulnerability, loss, courage, strength, sacrifice, redemption, and most importantly “living.” No words can justly convey what Colleen Hoover has created…

The Opportunist (Love Me With Lies, #1)

The Opportunist (Love Me With Lies, #1) - Tarryn Fisher

“I am Olivia Kaspen, and if I love something I

rip it from my life. Not intentionally…

not unintentionally either.

…my tainted, acrid love.”


Wow! I really don’t know how to start. I don’t even know how I feel about some of these characters—namely Caleb. Early on, I did a complete 180 –I went from loathing Olivia to understanding her, feeling her pain, sympathizing with her, and ultimately being proud of her. Caleb on the other hand—I’m not sure if I love him or hate him. I most definitely am disappointed with him. He was quick to point out Olivia’s flaws, but I didn't feel like he was so open to pointing out or acknowledging his own. I was crushed for Olivia when she witnessed his deceit.


“I loved you enough to put aside every one of my feelings

to accommodate yours.

What did I get in return?

Coldness and emotional detachment.

You are selfish and bitter and

you wouldn’t know a good thing if it

fell out of the sky at your feet.”


This all may be true, but does that justify Caleb’s infidelity? Don’t get me wrong. One minute I found myself loving Caleb and then the next I was extremely pissed at him. I felt like Olivia carried the brunt of the responsibility for the demise of their relationship when in actuality Caleb was the one who was unfaithful and just as manipulating. Granted, Olivia in true form cut her nose off to spite her face when trying to seek revenge—“an eye for an eye.” However, we all knew—including Caleb—that Olivia “was a relationship retard.” She was so afraid of being deserted by yet another person she loved that she ”kicked, shoved, and punched people out of” her life, so that she couldn’t be hurt again. Ironically, this very fear and a consequential lack of communication caused so much unnecessary pain.


The Opportunist was a heart-wrenching story of young love, betrayal, hurt, manipulation, and regret, as well as, personal growth, and finally how to truly love another.—“There is more to loving someone than just making yourself happy. You have to want him to be happier than you are.”


I am definitely hooked… I can’t wait to see what Leah could possibly do to top herself in Dirty Red. 

Tidal - Emily Snow Loved it! Tidal was a beautiful story of second chances and the importance of true friendships.

The Coincidence of Callie and Kayden (The Coincidence, #1)

The Coincidence of Callie and Kayden (The Coincidence, #1) - Jessica Sorensen

"In the existence of our lives,

there is a single coincidence

that brings us together and

for a moment,

our hearts beat as one."



The Coincidence of Callie and Kayden, started strong and pulled me right in until the very end, or wait—was there actually an ending? (I just hope we don’t have to wait TOO LONG for a sequel.) I fell in love with these characters. Each had their own issues, just as they each coped in their own unique way. Despite their differences, the dynamics between the four were amazing. The chemistry between Callie and Kayden was great and built slowly making their relationship believable. I just wanted to hug the sweet, confused Kayden and then throw back a few shots with Luke before taking off on a fun adventure, and last but not least Seth—ahhh, just what Callie needed. What an amazing friend! He was extremely supportive and fiercely loyal.


I hope the four are able to return to the rocks together, so they can tag some newly imparted wisdom in a highly anticipated sequel.

The Unidentified Redhead (Redhead, #1) - Alice Clayton

I have been reading some seriously angsty books lately, so this was exactly what I needed. The Unidentified Redhead was a light, entertaining read with a funny as all hell heroine and a smoking hot hero. The banter between Grace and—pretty much anyone she came into contact with—her best friend Holly and her newly appointed tryst, Jack was freaking hilarious.


Jack was a gorgeous 24-year old Brit who had somewhat recently relocated to LA and was the new ‘it boy’. Grace was a 33-year old actor who was still trying to catch her first break. Their connection was immediate. The two became insta-friends served up with a healthy dose of steam. Their chemistry was freaking HOT, HOT, HOT. As their relationship quickly blossomed, Grace finally caught her first break. The catch—she needed to relocate to NYC. Unbeknownst to them, their tryst had become something more—much more. They had both fallen for one another. The big question is, can their relationship hold up to the pressures of the business, especially while living 3,000-miles apart? I’m off to find out in the sequel, The Redhead Revealed


I recommend this book to anyone. It is a hysterical read that is sure to have you laughing out loud. 

The Edge of Never (The Edge of Never, #1)

The Edge of Never (The Edge of Never, #1) - J.A. Redmerski

“'…think about it: what are the chances

that everything that happened the way

it did, were just coincidence?'

… 'I’m sorry, Cam,but that’s just too much

coincidence—you two were meant to be

together. It’s like some wicked fucking

fairytale love storythat you just

can’t make up, y’know?'”



I laughed, I cried, I fell in love with all of the characters, especially Andrew. I mean, who can resist a man that is hot, sexy, sweet and a musician to boot? “Jesus, Cam, you really hit the jackpot with this one. … Guys that perfect are rare.”



Cam and Andrew met on a Greyhound bus in Kansas. Andrew “was taking the long road and Camryn was taking the road to nowhere and it just happens that they led to the same place.” Both were afraid to follow their hearts, but for entirely different reasons. Nevertheless, “the heart always wins out over the mind.” As a result, we watched the two slowly build a friendship and their walls begin to crumble. Then the inevitable sparks began to fly and HOLY HELL, it was hot!


In a nutshell, the two saved one another. “For the first time in my life, I’ve felt whole, alive, free. You were the missing piece of my soul, the breath in my lungs, the blood in my veins.” It is a steamy, swoony, and heartbreaking read. It is sure to take you on one hell of an emotional rollercoaster, so hold on and grab a box of tissues. You’ll need them.


“I will do anything for you, Camryn Bennett.

I don’t care what it is, I don’t care…

anything you ever ask me to do and I would do it.

No exceptions.” ~Andrew

Futures and Frosting (Chocolate Lovers, #2) - Tara Sivec “’So little man what can I get you?’ … ‘I want a virgin,’ he states. Claire starts choking on her water and Liz reaches over to pat her on the back. ‘I’m sorry, what do you want to order?’ The waitress asks in confusion. ‘A virgin. I want to order a virgin,’ he repeats, looking at her like she was a moron. ‘Don’t we all, son. Don’t we all.’”I just love Gavin! I would want to die of mortification if my own son behaved like him, but there is no denying that he is a riot. Come on, what other four and a half year old is still considered adorable even if it’s necessary to implement a “no nut shots before lunch” rule? I found myself waiting to see what kind of mischief or Gavin-spun info would spew out of his little mouth next. He was definitely a byproduct of the bizarre, yet lovable Morgan family where brain-to-mouth filters were not part of the genetic make-up, but ceiling fan baseball and tee time were the norm. “I love both of you exactly the way you are. I love that you have no filter, and I adore that Gavin can make grown men cry. There is not one thing I would change about either of you, and if anyone doesn’t like it, they can kiss my ass.”With that sentiment, Carter pretty much summed up the mentality of the whole crew. And can I say WHAT A CREW!?! They lived their lives, had fun, could care less what others thought, and most importantly had each other’s backs throughout it all and I mean EVERYTHING! “Back door action,” which consequentially led to the indecent exposure incident, unemployment, pot cookie induced comas, popping “Claire’s toy store cherry,” Stepford wives, proposals, drunk Facebooking, crazy mothers, in-laws—you name it, they were there to see each other through it. Futures and Frosting is a quick, steamy, yet ridiculously funny read that is sure to have you laughing out loud.

Walking Disaster (Beautiful, #2)

Walking Disaster (Beautiful, #2) - Jamie McGuire

I’m a huge fan of Beautiful Disaster; so needless to say, I couldn’t wait to get my hands on this book.  


Through Abby’s POV in Beautiful Disaster, Travis was, to put it mildly, intense; so I couldn’t wait to experience Walking Disaster through Travis’ POV.  Witness his thoughts, vulnerabilities—exactly what drove him.  Unfortunately, I didn’t feel the same passion that exuded from Travis in the first book.  I hate to say it, but I felt Walking Disaster fell flat in comparison.  However, there were exceptions to this, especially during—the prologue, Travis’ first encounters with Abby, his interactions with his family, the final chapter, as well as the epilogue.  They all offered the reader more insight than they were able to gather from Beautiful Disaster.  Basically, just more Travis.  …exactly what I was hoping to gain from this book.  


The prologue was absolutely heart wrenching.  We met Mrs. Maddox while she said her last goodbyes to her family.  It was simply excruciating.  She gave her youngest (3-year old) son some parting motherly wisdom.   


“Travis, I need you to listen to what I’m going to say,

and even more important, I need you to remember. 

…Can you do that for mommy? 

…be a kid for as long as you can. 

Play games, Travis.  Be silly—

…One of these days you’re going to fall in love, son. 

Don’t settle for just anyone. 

Choose the girl that doesn’t come easy;

the one you have to fight for,

and then never stop fighting. 

Never—stop fighting for what you want...”


What the young Travis’ mind heard was Always Play Hard and Always Fight HARDER; which explained why Travis lived the way that he did, why he never loved another before Abby, and most importantly, why he never stopped fighting for her—for what he wanted. 


“I decided a long time ago I would feed on the vultures

until a dove came along. A pigeon. 

The kind of soul that didn’t impede on anyone;

just walked around worrying about its own business,

trying to get through life without pulling everyone else down

with its own needs and selfish habits. 

Brave.  A communicator.  Intelligent.  Beautiful.  Soft-spoken. 

A creature that mates for life. 

Unattainable until she has a reason to trust you.”


It’s fair to say that, Jamie McGuire nailed Travis' backstory and this was what I loved about this book.  The reader was able to see why he was the way that he was.  What it was that he saw in Abby.  Why he fought so hard for her—for them and how he was able to change so completely because of one person—his Pigeon. 


***I was provided an ARC in exchange for an honest review.***


Love Unrehearsed (Love, #2)

Love Unrehearsed (Love, #2) - Tina Reber

Short and sweet: I gave Love Unscripted, 5 Stars. I was completely enthralled throughout the entire book and couldn't wait for the release of Love Unrehearsed. Unfortunately, I found the sequel lacking and riddled with too many loose ends, never mind the fact that the characters changed dramatically after Chapter 4, without much of a transition. Although, in the end, Tina Reber did find her way back to the characters, Taryn and Ryan, that I grew to love throughout Love Unscripted, I didn't walk away feeling that I needed more. It was just blahh... in comparison.